Someone has a vehicle you like the look of? or just want to take it out of there hands and watch it melt down? If so the Scrap Yard is your place! There are 2 Scrap Yards here on Altis one just south of Pyrgos in The Poseidon Cartel held lands of East Altis and the other in the Mountainous regions in the North West of Altis. both Scrap Yards have 2 options, Scrap or, if you have the Car Jacker Perk you can Steal the vehicle. If you scrap a vehicle you are given a small amount of money in return, stealing however will cost you money but you will receive the vehicle in your Garage. These returns and costs are listed below. If SCRAPPING, this is the money given to yourself, if STEALING, this is how much it will cost you.
To use the Scrap Yard, park the vehicle on the target, walk over to the Tablet and select your desired outcome.
Truck Boxer
Fuel Truck
Van (Cargo)
Van Transport
Zamak Transport
Zamak Covered
Zamak Repair
Zamak Fuel
Tempest Transport
Tempest Covered
Tempest Repair
Tempest Fuel
Tempest Ammo
Hemtt Transport
Hemtt Covered
Hemtt Box
Hemtt Ammo
Hemtt Fuel
Tempest Device
Each Scrap Yard has a Mavis Quad Rental to help you return home after you destroy the vehicle you arrived in.