GTA:Starter Guide

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PINNED NOTE: CLICK HERE for fixes to common issues/bugs, CLICK HERE for FAQ's

Getting Started

Create Your Character

Now that you’ve installed FiveM and have connected to the server you will have the option to setup your first character. You can have multiple characters, all with different backstories, jobs and bank accounts.

You are now ready to go and explore Los Santos, but before you do that make sure to read the rules.

Initial Interactions

You will now be stranded somewhere within Los Santos, so what’s next? Start off by getting yourself a ride! You can for example call a taxi (using your phone by pressing F2) or use one of the many Boris Bikes marked on the map.

The majority of the players hang around some key areas - for example Legion Square and the gang turfs. Head here to find other players to RP with.

Mission Row Police Station is worth making a note of as its where you'll have the best chance of finding a police officer to report a crime or just ask a question. Pillbox Hospital is also worth remembering for when you or a friend require some medical assistance.

Its also worth creating a Twitter account in the F2 phone so you can interact with other players in-character to ask questions or just chat. You can also ask people for their phone numbers and build up your contacts.

Make Some Money

You have a couple of options starting off. You can try get yourself a car and do some Food Deliveries, located next to Vespucci Station. Alternatively you can head off to the mineshaft and get mining, quite hard labor but pays well.

If you’re not one for labour-intensive jobs you can buy a mechanic, taxi or commercial delivery license at the City Hall. With one of those licenses in your wallet you can start earning some real money.

What's Next?

So you now know your way around and you’ve made some money. What now? There is a long list of opportunities available to you on San Andreas with some of them being:

Help and Support

Game Issues

Many game issues can usually be fixed by a quick Game Restart, You may face issues from disconnecting without quitting from the game.

Clear Game Cache

If you are still having issues you can try removing FiveM Cache. To do this:

1) Close FiveM

2) C:\Users\**YOUR USER ACCOUNT**\AppData\Local\FiveM\

3) Delete the folder called cache

4) Start FiveM & let it update

Alternatively / If that fails Google can be a lot of help or popping a message in Discord #gta-fivem-roleplay to see if a member of the community are able to assist.

Configure Voice Chat

GTA Voice Settings.jpg

In order to hear people you need to ensure that Voice Chat is set up properly.

ESC > Settings > Voice Chat

Make sure 'Voice Chat' and 'Microphone' is Enabled, the Output and Input Device is correct and the Volume's are High enough. (If your game crashes on setting changes, try in SinglePlayer)

Key Binds:

Press G to Change Voice Range (Displayed in Top Left). (Whisper, Normal, Shouting).

Press N for Push to Talk (Can be changed in ESC > Settings > Key Bindings > GTA Online)

Vehicles Issues

Unlocking Cars

Sometimes the Vehicle will 'Unlock' but you are still unable to enter it. Try the following:

Toggle between 'Locked' and 'Unlocked' Slowly waiting around 10 seconds between each press.

Missing Cars

If you have lost your vehicle (not returned it to a garage) then you can retrieve it at the Vehicle Impound. The Vehicle should then return to the UPPER Legion Garage.

Vehicle Impound

Alternatively, it could have been Impounded by the Police, this is next door to the Vehicle Impound, The Vehicle will be retrieved from the Impound and parked in one of the Spaces.

Police Impound

If you are still unable to locate your vehicle post a single message on Discord in #help, Stating that you have lost your vehicle on FiveM, With the Vehicle Plate if possible. If you don't have it your Character name will be required. Note: Will be difficult if you own a lot of vehicles.

UI Issues

If the UI is eg not working or stuck on your screen this can often times be fixed by pressing F1 > Self Help > Interface Options and the pressing the Reset UI or Weapon Wheel Refresh options.

If this does not work the following commands can be used in the F8 console to reset different parts of the UI:





