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AR Weapon Cache is one of the most important storage locations for the Altis Police Service. It is used to store seized illegal weapons aswell as standard Armed Response weapons. These weapons are stored in crates inside the main buliding. It is located in he southern part of Kavala.

AR Weapon Cache Compound

Robbery Requirements

  • At least 10 police officers online
  • Bolt cutters

Robbery Process

AR Weapon Cache is not the most complicated place to rob however is still requires some effort.

  1. First step is to make sure that you have boltcutters in your inventory and there are at least 10 officers online (if there is less the doors of the cache can not be broken down).
  2. Then people who want to break in will have to make their way to the compound itself and break down the doors of the main buliding.
  3. While breaking down the doors police may arrive and send in an negotiator. Robbers have a choice of either talking to him in the hopes of getting something without bloodshed or they can send him away. If the negotiations end it is very likely that officers will try storming the compound. They have to be stopped if rebels want to get the weapons out.
  4. After the doors to the rooms with weapons are broken the bagging process may begin. These weapons are quite heavy and need to be transported in special bags.
  5. Once all that is done robbers have to go to the laundry to open the bags and get their weapons.

Possible Equipment Obtained from Bags

Normally the weapons bag may drop any of these weapons, unless the person emptying knows the War Dog skill. Then the bag may also obtain attachments.

  • Standard weaponry all the way from SMGs to Marksman Rifles.
  • Mar-10
  • Zafir
  • Mk 200
  • 7.62 suppressor
  • LRPS scope