Alfred [@alfred#7527]
Alfred avatar.png
Altis Police Service
Rank Superintendent in Kavala
Primary Unit Operative in Spectre
Secondary Unit DSP in SPG
Years Active 2019-2020
Los Santos Police Service
Rank AFO in Firearms & Ex Inspector in CID
Years Active 2021 - Present
Los Santos National Crime Agency
Rank Deputy Director General
Years Active 2020 - 2021
Alfred signature.png

About me

I have been a member of this community since early 2016 and have gotten involved in a bit of everything. I started off playing Arma back in 2016 and have since gotten myself more and more involved in the community.

I have been enjoying FiveM since it launched back in early 2020 and that is also what I work on here on the Wiki.

If you want to contact me do so either through discord (alfred#7527) or the forums.


Alfred Wilson

Since February of 2020 Wilson has been a member of the organization The Firm.


Oliver Johnson

Johnson was the Deputy Director General of the NCA until it pulled its operations from San Andreas in early 2021.

After this Johnson transferred over to the LSPS as a Detective Inspector to head the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), a position he later stepped down from to make way for new blood after spending seven months in investigatory law enforcement.

Johnson has since joined the LSPS Firearms Unit as an AFO and is enjoying a simpler life as a PC.


Rupert Snyder

Rupert ran the IOPC, a government agency monitoring police conduct, as Deputy together with Michael Lockwood (Santo) as Director General. It was active from August 2020 to December 2020 when it was closed down and its workload transferred to the LS Courts.

Rupert later joined the LS City Council as an independent member but has since retired from that position. Today Rupert is a licensed solicitor but has mostly retired after a long career of public service.


ArmA 3

Altis Police (2019-2020)

I joined the Altis Police Service in late 2019 after having spent just about 3 years enjoying my time as a Rebel.

Kavala Constabulary

After completing my initial training I was put in the Kavala Constabulary where I quickly got to know people and started my career within the police, trying to work my way through the ranks.

Joined as Prob. PC: November 2019

Resigned as Superintendent: 2020

Specialist Protection Group

Shortly after joining the Kavala Constabulary I participated in a open SPG operation as a PC. After thoroughly enjoying the operation I applied to the unit, got accepted and did my Basic Training to reach the rank of TPO.

From that I worked my way up the ranks much like in Kavala, ultimately reaching the rank of DSP in February 2020.

Joined as TPO: December 2019

Resigned as DSP: 2020

The Psychos (2016-2019)

The Psychos is were I started off as a Rebel back in 2016 after having only been on the server for a couple of months.

With time I grew to become friends with most of the members who stayed around, and 4 years later the group I play with is still to a high degree made up of people I got to know back in the 2016 Psychos days.