Respray Shop

Revision as of 20:47, 2 September 2019 by Louie Austino (talk | contribs) (corrected link)

Orange the New Black? or just fancy a change? The Respray shops have got you sorted! The 2 Respray shops, Situated at Kavala Fuel and East of Athira, offer a huge a selection of varying paint job for near all vehicles available on Altis. (even Jets if your piloting skills are good on Terra firma).

The Location of the Kavala Fuel Respray Station

How to use the Respray Shop

  • To utilise the Respray shop you need £2,500 in cash on your person.
  • Drive to one of the Respray Shops and press 'Windows Key' Whilst inside your vehicle.
  • A menu will appear displaying all the paint jobs on offer, as you select the differing styles you will be able to preview the style on your current vehicle.


  • With each Respray your vehicle is fully repaired and refueled!
  • Enjoy your new Paint job!