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(added catagorie)
(Added table for console/chat commands)
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| style="text-align:center;" |{{Key|O}}
| style="text-align:center;" |{{Key|O}}
|<nowiki>Dispatch List (Left-Click To Set GPS To Alert | Right-Click to Pin/Unpin Alert)</nowiki>
|<nowiki>Dispatch List (Left-Click To Set GPS To Alert | Right-Click to Pin/Unpin Alert)</nowiki>
==Server Commands==
{| class="wikitable"
!Either type with the slash in chat message (open with {{Key|T}}) or without slash in {{Key|F8}} console menu
Where a parameter is listed such as [Session ID] - the value should NOT include the [ ] brackets
Example: /e [Emote] would be typed like /e sit
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" |B
|/bill [Session ID] [Amount] [Reason]
|Police Only - Used by police to issue fixed penalty/fines.
! colspan="2" |C
| style="text-align:center;" |/carry
|Offers to carry the player you are standing next to
| style="text-align:center;" |/crouch
|Toggles crouch animation - Default Key {{Key|CTRL}}
| style="text-align:center;" |/cylceproximity
|Toggles VOIP Proximity - Default Key {{Key|G}}
| style="text-align:center;" |/cruisecontrol
|Toggles Cruise Control - Default Key {{Key|Y}}
! colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |D
| style="text-align:center;" |/dispatch
|Toggles wherever or not you receive dispatch alerts related to your job
! colspan="2" |E
|/e [Emote] or /emote [Emote]
|Character does the given emote (options can be found doing /emotes)
|/e c
|Cancels emote/animation - Default Key {{Key|Z}}
|Provides a list of emotes that can be done with /e [Emote]
|Opens menu to select animation/emote/walks
! colspan="2" |F
|Flips a coin - returns heads or tails and shows those around you the result
|/frequency [number]
|Changes radio frequency to the provided value
! colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |G
|Opens the Gang Menu - Default Key {{Key|F6}}
|/givekey [Session ID]
|When in a car that you have keys for, will give a copy of the key to the player with that session ID
! colspan="2" |M
|/me [Message]
|Message that appears on your player - use to communicate an action to others around you
! colspan="2" |N
|/nearby [Emote]
|Shared emotes to do with people near you - see /emotemenu > "Shared Emotes" for full list
! colspan="2" |O
|Opens phone UI - Default Key {{Key|F2}}
|Opens inventory UI - Default Key {{Key|F3}}
|Opens vehicle trunk UI - Default Key {{Key|Y}}
|Opens Help / Wiki Page - Default Key {{Key|F5}}
|/ooc "[Message]"
|Quotes are required - to type a message in OOC chat - the whole server will see this
! colspan="2" |P
|Opens player options UI - Default Key {{Key|F1}}
|Police Only - Opens PNC Window
! colspan="2" |R
|Opens/Closes Radio Options - Default Key {{Key|SHIFT}} + {{Key|H}}
|Decreases radio frequency by 1 (keybind available to be bind in FiveM Controls)
|Increases radio frequency by 1 (keybind available to be bind in FiveM Controls)
|Panic Button Press - Code Zero - Default Key {{Key|SHIFT}} + {{Key|B}}
|Decreases Radio Volume (keybind available to be bind in FiveM Controls)
|Increases Radio Volume (keybind available to be bind in FiveM Controls)
|Starts R* Clip Recording
|Stops and Saves R* Clip Recording
|Stops and discards R* Clip Recording
|/roll [number]
|Results with a random number between 1 and the number you input, shows to those around you
! colspan="2" |S
|Reveals ID of player above their heads for short period time. Cooldown applies after
|Enables Streamer Mode - Disable in {{Key|F1}} menu
! colspan="2" |T
|Locks/Unlocks Car if you have the key - Default Key {{Key|L}}
! colspan="2" |V
|Opens UI to allow you to transfer ownership of a vehicle to another player
! colspan="2" |W
|/walk [Style]
|Changes the style of walk for your character - options are available when doing /walks
|Lists the available walk styles which can be selected using /walk [Style]
|/window [up/down]
|Lowers car window up/down
[[Category:GTA Guides]]
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