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Drugs are the most risky but at the same time the most rewarding runs on the entire island. They are often a source of conflict between rebels, police and the Poseidon Cartel. Doing drug runs is one of the main sources of money for rebels. They are illegal items and because of that the Altis Police goes out of their way to stop anyone doing them. They have even created a dedicated unit which is meant to target drugs, it is called the National Crime Agency.

Drug info

Drug name License Price Weight Sell Price Place to sell
Marijuana 25000 £ 4 2520 £ Normal Drug Dealer
Heroin 1000000 £ 6 4080 £ Normal Drug Dealer
Cocaine 100000 £ 6 2919 £ Normal Drug Dealer
LSD No license required 3 2919 £ Normal Drug Dealer
Meth 150000 £ 15 10462 £ Meth Dealer
Spice No license required 4 9500 £ Prison Dealer
High Grade Weed No license required 4 3520 £ Poseidon Drug Dealer
High Grade Heroin No license required 6 5080 £ Poseidon Drug Dealer
High Grade Cocaine No license required 6 3919 £ Poseidon Drug Dealer

Drug runs tutorial

Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine, High Grade Drugs

  1. Gather the items by pressing windows key at the appropriate field.
  2. Make your way to the processor, scroll down on the sign, purchace the license if required and process.
  3. Head to the specific drug dealer, scroll down on the sign and sell.


  1. Gather frog legs at the frog swamp by pressing windows key there.
  2. Process the frog legs at the LSD Kitchen by scrolling down on the sign.
  3. Sell the LSD at the drug dealer by scrolling down on the sign inside.


  1. Purchace ephedrine barrels and the Wilco Chem.
  2. Process them at the meth lab. Watch out, when processing a blue smoke will be emmited from the lab.
  3. Sell the meth boxes at the meth dealer.


  1. Gather and process heroin and marijuana.
  2. Combine the two into spice and the Factory.
  3. Sell spice at the prison dealer.