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Revision as of 19:06, 10 November 2019

A picture of the front of the Continental. Located in Pyrgos.

The Continental is the place where all the platinum is stored on Altis, unlike the RBA: Treasury, The Continental is protected by Poseidon, and requires a minimum of 15 Poseidon members on duty for it to be robbed.


The Continental, just like the RBA: Treasury has some rules regarding it. These rules are:


The casino is where all the platinum reserves of the island are kept, robbing this is a big operation and requires some well thought out tactics and plans. It is brilliant for roleplay and also combat and can be very rewarding. However, there are some strict rules.


There needs to be at least 15 Poseidon Family Members online, please check this before turning up. The vault is coded so it won’t open if there is less than 15 Poseidon Members online so it will be a waste of your time.


Filling your vehicle up with platinum bars from the treasury without going outside the building is considered exploiting - Permanent ban


Poseidon will always send in an unarmed negotiator in a marked Poseidon car who will drive up to the entrance and make himself known. This is part of the casino robbery process. You can either start roleplay with the negotiator or decline negotiations by asking him to leave. You cannot kill him - he must leave, and if killed it is bannable. You also may not kidnap the negotiator.


When the blasting charge has been planted it is considered that any opportunity for negotiation is over. After this, the Poseidon may try to storm the building. At this point, any combat is not considered RDM. Once the platinum is outside of the casino and there has been no combat for five minutes normal server rules apply.


You may not write inside chat that you are robbing the casino. This is your operation with the friends/group members that are there with you. You may not call for backup, only those on site at the beginning of the heist may take part. The Poseidon may return after NLR timer is up however non-whitelisted civilians may not.


Any Poseidon members who we find have logged out on purpose to bring the number of Poseidon down to under 15 will be banned. If you need to log out during a known active casino operation, please inform a member of staff.


Since The Continental contains platinum bars with an estimated value of £200,000. However, just like the RBA: Treasury, it requires a lot of planning to pull off successfully, and a lot of manpower and firepower.

The payday from the Continental varies depending on the amount stolen.


However, you can also choose to roleplay it. Just like the heist though, it requires some well made documents, and a well made story.