Difference between revisions of "Item List"

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4,356 bytes added ,  20:23, 15 January 2019
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(→‎Virtual Items: Safety Commit)
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|Can be Sold at the Metal Exports for profit
|Can be Sold at the Metal Exports for profit or Turned into Steel at the Steel Processor
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|Gold bars are always stored safely under the Protection the [[Altis Police Service|Police]] at the HM Treasury
|Gold bars are stored safely under the Protection of the [[Altis Police Service|Police]] at the HM Treasury.  Can be sold to the Gold Buyer
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|Used by the [[Altis Police Service|Police]] to defuse Blasting Charges
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|Can be used to restrain other people who are knocked out or are surrendering
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|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the Antique Dealer
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|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the Antique Dealer
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|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the Antique Dealer
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|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the Antique Dealer
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|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the Antique Dealer
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|Can be recovered from HM Treasury [[Shipwrecks]] and sold to the Gold Buyer
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|Used to safely extract wreckage from [[Shipwrecks]]
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|Can be cut down with an Axe at the Tree Farm and sold to the Wood Fuel Buyer
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|Gathered at the Frog Swamp.  Can be sold to the LSD Kitchen or turned into Hermit LSD
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|Can be sold at any Drug Dealer.
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|Used by the [[Altis Police Service|Police]] and [[National Health Service|NHS]] to determine how intoxicated you are
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|Meth Training
|Meth Training
|Can be bought from WilcoChem and cooked into Meth and the Meth Lab
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|Can be sold at any Drug Dealer.
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|Can be sold to the Kavala Bar
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|Can be gathered at the Clam Field out at sea.  Recover the Pearls at the Clam Processor
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|Can be sold at any Pearl Dealer
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|Can be bought and used to break into secure buildings or used at the [[Factory]]
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|Can be stolen from the AR Weapon Cache and opened at the Laundry
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|Can be bought from the [[National Health Service|NHS]] Hospitals and used to revive people
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|Can be bought from [[National Health Service|NHS]] Hospitals and used to carry around downed people safely.
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|Can be bought from [[National Health Service|NHS]] Hospitals and used to prevent downed people from bleeding out
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|Can be stolen from Art Galleries and sold at the Antique Dealer
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|Silica Refining
|Silica Refining
|Mined at the Silica Mine.  Needs to be refined at the Silica Processor
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|Used at the [[Factory]]
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|Mined at the Aluminium Mine.  Needs to be processed into Aluminium at the Aluminium Processor
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|Can be sold at the Metal Exporter for a Profit
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|Used at the [[Factory]]
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|Uranium Refining
|Uranium Refining
|Can be Gathered at the Uranium Field.  Needs to be stabilised at the Uranium Refinery
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|Can be sold to the Uranium Buyer
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|Can be used to counteract the effects of Radiation Poisoning
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|Can be sold at the Smugglers Outpost
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|Gathered at the Blood Diamond Dump.  Needs to be cut at the Blood Diamond Cutter
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|Can be bought at various stores and opened to receive a random item.
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|Used by the [[National Health Service|NHS]] to help a patient fight off the pain of being shot.
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|Can be laundered at the laundry to turn it into actual cash.
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|Can be made by taking Iron Ingots to the Steel Processor.  Can be sold a the Metal Exports
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|Can be bought from the Rebel Farmers Market and used to grow Cannabis in [[Barns]]
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|Can be bought at the Farmers Market and used to grow Potatoes in [[Barns]]
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|Used by the [[National Health Service|NHS]] to transport various Medical Items between Hospitals.
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|Can be bought at the Farmers Market to provide water for crops in [[Barns]]
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|Can be bought at the Farmers Market to help fertilise soil for crops in [[Barns]]
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|Can be bought from the Rebel Farmers Market and used to grow Opium in [[Barns]]
Line 1,258: Line 1,258:
|Can be bought and setup by [[Poseidon]] to allow people to start picking High Grade Cannabis
Line 1,267: Line 1,267:
|Can be bought and setup by [[Poseidon]] to allow people to start picking High Grade Opium
Line 1,276: Line 1,276:
|Can be bought and setup by [[Poseidon]] to allow people to start gather High Grade Cocaine
Line 1,285: Line 1,285:
|Can be bought and setup by [[Poseidon]] to allow people process High Grade Cannabis into High Grade Marijuana
Line 1,294: Line 1,294:
|Can be bought and setup by [[Poseidon]] to allow people process High Grade Opium into High Grade Heroin
Line 1,303: Line 1,303:
|Can be bought and setup by [[Poseidon]] to allow people process High Grade Cocaine into High Grade Cocaine
Line 1,312: Line 1,312:
|Can be bought and setup by [[Poseidon]] to allow people to sell their Drugs to them
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|Platinum bars are stored safely under the Protection of [[Poseidon]] at The Continental. Can be sold to the Platinum Buyer
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|Needs to be processed into High Grade Marijuana at a [[Poseidon]] Marijuana Processor
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|Can be sold at any [[Poseidon]] drug dealer
Line 1,348: Line 1,348:
|Can be processed into High Grade Heroin at [[Poseidon]] Heroin Processor or sold at a [[Poseidon]] Drug Dealer
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|Can be sold at any [[Poseidon]] drug dealer
Line 1,366: Line 1,366:
|Can be processed into High Grade Processed Cocaine at [[Poseidon]] Cocaine Processor or sold at a [[Poseidon]] Drug Dealer
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|Can be sold at any [[Poseidon]] drug dealer


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