Difference between revisions of "Item List"

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242 bytes added ,  18:20, 28 January 2019
→‎Virtual Items: Multiple spelling/grammar issues. Added more links
(→‎Virtual Items: Multiple spelling/grammar issues. Added more links)
Line 43: Line 43:
|Can be sold at the Metal Exporter for a Profit
|Can be sold at the [[Metal Exports|Metal Exporter]] for a Profit
Line 51: Line 51:
|Can be picked an any Apple Orchard and sold to the Market or turned in Cider at a Cider Factory
|Can be picked an any Apple Orchard and sold to the [[Market]] or turned in Cider at a Cider Factory
|Automated Drug Dealer
|Automated Drug Dealer
Line 59: Line 59:
|[[Poseidon|Can be bought and setup by Poseidon to allow people to sell their Drugs to them]]
|Can be bought and setup by [[Poseidon]] to allow people to sell their Drugs to them
Line 67: Line 67:
|[[Altis|Used to cut down trees at various locations around Altis]]
|Used to cut down trees at various locations around [[Altis]]
|Bag of Cannabis Seeds
|Bag of Cannabis Seeds
Line 75: Line 75:
|[[Barns|Can be bought from the Rebel Farmers Market and used to grow Cannabis in Barns]]
|Can be bought from the [[Farmers Market|Rebel Farmers Market]] and used to grow Cannabis in [[Barns]]
|Bag of Fertilizer
|Bag of Fertilizer
Line 83: Line 83:
|[[Barns|Can be bought at the Farmers Market to help fertilise soil for crops in Barns]]
|Can be bought at the [[Farmers Market]] to help fertilise soil for crops in [[Barns]]
|Bag of Opium Seeds
|Bag of Opium Seeds
Line 91: Line 91:
|[[Barns|Can be bought from the Rebel Farmers Market and used to grow Opium in Barns]]
|Can be bought from the [[Farmers Market|Rebel Farmers Market]] and used to grow Opium in [[Barns]]
|Bag of Potato Seeds
|Bag of Potato Seeds
Line 99: Line 99:
|[[Barns|Can be bought at the Farmers Market and used to grow Potatoes in Barns]]
|Can be bought at the [[Farmers Market]] and used to grow Potatoes in [[Barns]]
|Baked Beans
|Baked Beans
Line 131: Line 131:
|[[Factory|Can be made at the Factory and used to breach Vaults]]
|Can be made at the [[Factory]] and used to breach Vaults
|Blood Diamond
|Blood Diamond
Line 139: Line 139:
|Can be sold at the Smugglers Outpost
|Can be sold at the [[Smugglers Outpost]]
|Blood Diamond Uncut
|Blood Diamond Uncut
Line 155: Line 155:
|[[National Health Service|Can be bought from NHS Hospitals and used to prevent downed people from bleeding out]]
|Can be bought from [[National Health Service|NHS Hospitals]] and used to prevent downed people from bleeding out
Line 171: Line 171:
|[[Altis|Can be used to break into various Houses and Buildings across Altis]]
|Can be used to break into various [[Houses]] and Buildings across [[Altis]]
|Bomb Defuse Kit
|Bomb Defuse Kit
Line 179: Line 179:
|[[Altis Police Service|Used by the Police to defuse Blasting Charges]]
|Used by the [[Altis Police Service|Police]] to defuse Blasting Charges
|Box of Medical Goods
|Box of Medical Goods
Line 187: Line 187:
|[[National Health Service|Used by the NHS to transport various Medical Items between Hospitals.]]
|Used by the [[National Health Service|NHS]] to transport various Medical Items between Hospitals.
Line 195: Line 195:
|Used by the Police and NHS to determine how intoxicated you are
|Used by the [[Altis Police Service|Police]] and [[NHS]] to determine how intoxicated you are
|Broken Bell
|Broken Bell
Line 203: Line 203:
|[[Shipwrecks|Can be recovered from Shipwrecks and sold at the Antique Dealer]]
|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the [[Antique Dealer]]
|Broken Pottery
|Broken Pottery
Line 211: Line 211:
|[[Shipwrecks|Can be recovered from Shipwrecks and sold at the Antique Dealer]]
|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the [[Antique Dealer]]
|Broken Statue
|Broken Statue
Line 219: Line 219:
|[[Shipwrecks|Can be recovered from Shipwrecks and sold at the Antique Dealer]]
|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the [[Antique Dealer]]
Line 227: Line 227:
|Marijuana Training
|Marijuana Training
|Gathered at the Weed Field. Can be sold to any Drug Dealer or turned into Marijuana at the Weed Processor
|Gathered at the Weed Field. Can be sold to any [[Drug Dealer]] or turned into Marijuana at the Weed Processor
|Cardoso's Whisky
|Cardoso's Whisky
Line 315: Line 315:
|[[Factory|Can be made at the Factory]]
|Can be made at the [[Factory]]
|Computer Components
|Computer Components
Line 323: Line 323:
|[[Factory|Can be made at the Factory]]
|Can be made at the [[Factory]]
|Computer Screen
|Computer Screen
Line 331: Line 331:
|[[Factory|Can be made at the Factory]]
|Can be made at the [[Factory]]
|Copper Ingot
|Copper Ingot
Line 339: Line 339:
|[[Factory|Can be sold at the Metal Exports or used in the Factory]]
|Can be sold at the Metal Exports or used in the [[Factory]]
|Copper Ore
|Copper Ore
Line 363: Line 363:
|Can be sold at any Drug Dealer.
|Can be sold at any [[Drug Dealer]].
|Cut Diamond
|Cut Diamond
Line 379: Line 379:
|[[National Health Service|Can be bought from the NHS Hospitals and used to revive people]]
|Can be bought from the [[National Health Service|NHS Hospitals]] and used to revive people
Line 427: Line 427:
|[[Shipwrecks|Used to safely extract wreckage from Shipwrecks]]
|Used to safely extract wreckage from [[Shipwrecks]]
|Fishing Pole
|Fishing Pole
Line 475: Line 475:
|[[Factory|Can be sold at the Glass Trader or used in the Factory]]
|Can be sold at the Glass Trader or used in the [[Factory]]
|Glass Bottle
|Glass Bottle
Line 483: Line 483:
|[[Shipwrecks|Can be recovered from Shipwrecks and sold at the Antique Dealer]]
|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the [[Antique Dealer]]
Line 499: Line 499:
|[[Altis Police Service|Gold bars are stored safely under the Protection of the Police at the HM Treasury. Can be sold to the Gold Buyer]]
|Gold bars are stored safely under the Protection of the [[Altis Police Service|Police]] at the [[HM Treasury]]. Can be sold to the [[Gold Buyer]]
Line 523: Line 523:
|Can be sold at any Drug Dealer.
|Can be sold at any [[Drug Dealer|Drug Dealer.]]
Line 531: Line 531:
|[[Factory|Can be sold to any Drug Dealer or used in the Factory]]
|Can be sold to any [[Drug Dealer]] or used in the [[Factory]]
|High Grade Cannabis
|High Grade Cannabis
Line 539: Line 539:
|[[Poseidon|Needs to be processed into High Grade Marijuana at a Poseidon Marijuana Processor]]
|Needs to be processed into High Grade Marijuana at a [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] Marijuana Processor
|High Grade Cocaine
|High Grade Cocaine
Line 547: Line 547:
|Can be processed into High Grade Processed Cocaine at Poseidon Cocaine Processor or sold at a Poseidon Drug Dealer
|Can be processed into High Grade Processed Cocaine at [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] Cocaine Processor or sold at a [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] [[Drug Dealer]]
|High Grade Heroin
|High Grade Heroin
Line 555: Line 555:
|[[Poseidon|Can be sold at any Poseidon drug dealer]]
|Can be sold at any [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] [[drug dealer]]
|High Grade Marijuana
|High Grade Marijuana
Line 563: Line 563:
|[[Poseidon|Can be sold at any Poseidon drug dealer]]
|Can be sold at any [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] [[drug dealer]]
|High Grade Opium
|High Grade Opium
Line 571: Line 571:
|Can be processed into High Grade Heroin at Poseidon Heroin Processor or sold at a Poseidon Drug Dealer
|Can be processed into High Grade Heroin at [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] Heroin Processor or sold at a [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] [[Drug Dealer]]
|High Grade Processed Cocaine
|High Grade Processed Cocaine
Line 579: Line 579:
|[[Poseidon|Can be sold at any Poseidon drug dealer]]
|Can be sold at any [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] [[drug dealer]]
|Ice Cream
|Ice Cream
Line 595: Line 595:
|Can be stolen from the AR Weapon Cache and opened at the Laundry
|Can be stolen from the [[AR Weapon Cache]] and opened at the [[Laundry]]
|Industrial Code Breaker
|Industrial Code Breaker
Line 603: Line 603:
|[[Factory|Can be bought and used to break into secure buildings or used at the Factory]]
|Can be bought and used to break into secure buildings or used at the [[Factory]]
|Iron Ingot
|Iron Ingot
Line 611: Line 611:
|Can be Sold at the Metal Exports for profit or Turned into Steel at the Steel Processor
|Can be Sold at the [[Metal Exports]] for profit or Turned into Steel at the Steel Processor
|Iron Ore
|Iron Ore
Line 651: Line 651:
|[[Vehicles|Can be used to attempt to break into Vehicles]]
|Can be used to attempt to break into [[Vehicles]]
Line 691: Line 691:
|[[Factory|Can be sold any Drug Dealer or used in the Factory]]
|Can be sold any [[Drug Dealer]] or used in the [[Factory]]
|Marked Money Bag
|Marked Money Bag
Line 723: Line 723:
|Can be stolen from Art Galleries and sold at the Antique Dealer
|Can be stolen from [[Art Galleries]] and sold at the [[Antique Dealer]]
Line 731: Line 731:
|[[National Health Service|Used by the NHS to help a patient fight off the pain of being shot.]]
|Used by the [[National Health Service|NHS]] to help a patient fight off the pain of being shot.
|Mullet Meat
|Mullet Meat
Line 747: Line 747:
|[[Shipwrecks|Can be recovered from HM Treasury Shipwrecks and sold to the Gold Buyer]]
|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks|HM Treasury Shipwrecks]] and sold to the [[Gold Buyer]]
Line 755: Line 755:
|Heroin Training
|Heroin Training
|Gatherd at the Opium Fields. Can be sold to any Drug Dealer or turned into Heroin at the Heroin Processor
|Gathered at the Opium Fields. Can be sold to any [[Drug Dealer]] or turned into Heroin at the Heroin Processor
Line 803: Line 803:
|[[Factory|Can be made at the Factory]]
|Can be made at the [[Factory]]
Line 819: Line 819:
|[[Altis|Used to mine the various resources found around the Altis]]
|Used to mine the various resources found around [[Altis]]
Line 835: Line 835:
|[[Factory|Used at the Factory]]
|Used at the [[Factory]]
|Platinum Bar
|Platinum Bar
Line 843: Line 843:
|[[Poseidon|Platinum bars are stored safely under the Protection of Poseidon at The Continental. Can be sold to the Platinum Buyer]]
|Platinum bars are stored safely under the Protection of [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] at The Continental. Can be sold to the [[Platinum Buyer]]
|Portable Barrier
|Portable Barrier
Line 859: Line 859:
|[[Poseidon|Can be bought and setup by Poseidon to allow people to start gather High Grade Cocaine]]
|Can be bought and setup by [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] to allow people to start gather High Grade Cocaine
|Portable Cocaine Maker
|Portable Cocaine Maker
Line 867: Line 867:
|[[Poseidon|Can be bought and setup by Poseidon to allow people process High Grade Cocaine into High Grade Cocaine]]
|Can be bought and setup by [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] to allow people process High Grade Cocaine into High Grade Cocaine
|Portable Heroin Maker
|Portable Heroin Maker
Line 875: Line 875:
|[[Poseidon|Can be bought and setup by Poseidon to allow people process High Grade Opium into High Grade Heroin]]
|Can be bought and setup by [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] to allow people process High Grade Opium into High Grade Heroin
|Portable Marijuana Maker
|Portable Marijuana Maker
Line 883: Line 883:
|[[Poseidon|Can be bought and setup by Poseidon to allow people process High Grade Cannabis into High Grade Marijuana]]
|Can be bought and setup by [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] to allow people process High Grade Cannabis into High Grade Marijuana
|Portable Opium Field
|Portable Opium Field
Line 891: Line 891:
|[[Poseidon|Can be bought and setup by Poseidon to allow people to start picking High Grade Opium]]
|Can be bought and setup by [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] to allow people to start picking High Grade Opium
|Portable Weed Field
|Portable Weed Field
Line 899: Line 899:
|[[Poseidon|Can be bought and setup by Poseidon to allow people to start picking High Grade Cannabis]]
|Can be bought and setup by [[The Poseidon Cartel|Poseidon]] to allow people to start picking High Grade Cannabis
Line 907: Line 907:
|[[Barns|Can be grown in Barns and sold for profit]]
|Can be grown in [[Barns]] and sold for profit
|Processed Cocaine
|Processed Cocaine
Line 915: Line 915:
|Can be sold to any Drug Dealer
|Can be sold to any [[Drug Dealer]]
|Processed Oil
|Processed Oil
Line 923: Line 923:
|[[Factory|Can be sold at any Oil Trader for a Profit or turned into Plastic at the Plastic Processor for use in the Factory]]
|Can be sold at any Oil Trader for a Profit or turned into Plastic at the Plastic Processor for use in the [[Factory]]
|Rabbit Meat
|Rabbit Meat
Line 971: Line 971:
|[[Factory|Used at the Factory]]
|Used at the [[Factory]]
|Right Arrow
|Right Arrow
Line 1,067: Line 1,067:
|[[Barns|Can be bought at the Farmers Market to provide water for crops in Barns]]
|Can be bought at the [[Farmers Market]] to provide water for crops in [[Barns]]
Line 1,075: Line 1,075:
|[[Factory|Can be made at the Factory and sold to the Prison Dealer]]
|Can be made at the [[Factory]] and sold to the [[Prison Dealer]]
|Spike Strip
|Spike Strip
Line 1,083: Line 1,083:
|Used by the Police to stop vehicles. Can be used by Civilians with the relevant Skill
|Used by the [[Altis Police Service|Police]] to stop [[vehicles]]. Can be used by Civilians with the relevant [[Skills|Skill]]
|Square Object
|Square Object
Line 1,107: Line 1,107:
|Can be laundered at the laundry to turn it into actual cash.
|Can be laundered at the [[laundry]] to turn it into actual cash.
|Steel Ingot
|Steel Ingot
Line 1,115: Line 1,115:
|Can be made by taking Iron Ingots to the Steel Processor. Can be sold a the Metal Exports
|Can be made by taking Iron Ingots to the Steel Processor. Can be sold at the [[Metal Exports]]
|Stone Tablet
|Stone Tablet
Line 1,123: Line 1,123:
|[[Shipwrecks|Can be recovered from Shipwrecks and sold at the Antique Dealer]]
|Can be recovered from [[Shipwrecks]] and sold at the [[Antique Dealer]]
|Strange Object
|Strange Object
Line 1,139: Line 1,139:
|[[National Health Service|Can be bought from NHS Hospitals and used to carry around downed people safely.]]
|Can be bought from [[National Health Service|NHS Hospitals]] and used to carry around downed people safely.
|Tape Barrier
|Tape Barrier


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