Santo [6264]
Altis Police Service
Rank SGT in kavala
Primary Unit DSP in Specialist Protection Group
Years Active 2018-Present

About me


Altis (December 2016-Present)

The Psycho's (2016-Present)

The Psycho's were my second gang on Altis, during my time in the Psycho's I met a group of people I still play with to this day.

The Lost Cause (April 2018-June 2018)

During a time when a large group of the Psycho's took a well deserved break from the island of Altis, I found myself mixed with a new group, in this group I once again met a huge variety of people, some of which I still speak to, to this day.

Altis Police

I've have had many stints in the police, initially just enjoying the role of a standard PC, before leaving the service and rejoining and taking up a role in the National Crime Agency as a Section Lead then leaving again and coming back as a Deputy of Specialist Protection within the Specialist Protection Group.

Los Santos (February 2020-Present)

The island of Los Santos is my new primary home, it is from here i've founded my new organisation The Firm.