Runs is the essential part of the islands economy. There's multiple different runs to do, and there's multiple different ways to do each run.
Legal runs
The price per copper ingot is currently £2,002.
To process copper, you need to go to the copper mine, which you can find in the surrounding area of Kavala. You'll need a pickaxe though. Once mined, you'll get something called copper ore, which has a weight of 5 units per ore. Once mined, you'll need to go to the processing plant, which is located North of weed processor. Once you've processed it, you will receive copper ingot, which has a unit weight of 4 units per ingot. Keep in mind, you'll need the license to process copper, otherwise you'll have to pay a processing fee determined on the amount you process. Upon selling you will receive XP, with will boost your processing time, and will raise you're profession at the same time.
The price per aluminum ingot is £1,312.
To process aluminium, you need to go to the aluminium mine, which you can find in the surrounding area of Kavala, You'll need a pickaxe though. Once mined, you'll get something called bauxite ore which has a weight of 4 units per ore. Once mined, you'll need to go to the processing plant, which is located next to Kavala Bank and Auction House in Kavala. Once you've processed the bauxite ore, you will receive aluminium ingot, which has a unit weight of 3 units per ingot. Keep in mind you will need the license to process aluminum, otherwise you'll have to pay a processing fee determined on the amount you process. Upon selling you will receive XP, with will boost your processing time, and will raise you're profession at the same time.
The price per iron ingot is £2,625
To process íron, you need to go to the iron mine, which you can find in Poseidon land by the drug processor and meth dealer. You'll need a pickaxe though. Once mined, you'll get something called iron ore, which has a weight of 5 unit per ore. Once mined, you'll need to go to the processing plant, which is located in the surrounding area of Agios. Once you've processed the iron ore, you will receive iron ingot, which has a weight of 3 units per ingot. Keep in mind you will need the license to process iron, otherwise you'll have to pay a processing fee determined on the amount you process. Upon selling you will receive XP, with will boost your processing time, and will raise you're profession at the same time.
The price per steel ingot is £4,850
To process steel, you'll need to process an iron ingot at the steel maker.
To process íron, you need to go to the iron mine, which you can find in Poseidon land by the drug processor and meth dealer. You'll need a pickaxe though. Once mined, you'll get something called iron ore, which has a weight of 5 unit per ore. Once mined, you'll need to go to the processing plant, which is located in the surrounding area of Agios. Once you've processed the iron ore, you will receive iron ingot, which has a weight of 3 units per ingot. Keep in mind you will need the license to process iron, otherwise you'll have to pay a processing fee determined on the amount you process. Once you've process the iron, you'll have to go to the steel maker, to then process it again, after that, you're able to sell it. A steel ingot have a weight of 2 units per ore.
You're not able to sell refined silicon, since you need it in order to make a Computer Logic Board
To gain refined silicon, you'll need to go the Silicon Mine located close to the H.M Prison, located inside the town of Neochori. You'll need a pickaxe in order for you to mine silica ore. An unprocessed piece of silica ore has a weight of 3 per ore. Once mined, you'll need to go to the processing plant, which is located in the surrounding area of Agios. Once you've processed the silica ore, you'll receive refined silicon, which has a weight of 2 per unit. Since you're not able to sell refined silicon, you're best bet is to store it, unless you're going to use it straight away.
The price per unit of glass is £1,782
To gain glass, you\ll need to go the sand mine, which is located at the upper part of the island in police lands. Once you've gathered