There are 3 Banks situated in Kavala, Athira and Agios are a hotspot for legal deposits aswell as criminal Withdrawals. These Banks are patrolled by the Altis Police Serivce and are located in large cities allowing units to respond faster to potential robberies.
Robbery Requirements
- At least 7 police officers online
- Firearm
Robbery Process
The Banks are quite simple but risky to attempt due to the often fast response times by rebels trying to intercept or the Altis Police Service shutting it down.
- Make sure that you have a firearm unholstered.
- Head over to the Sign, once next to the sign and press "Rob Kavala Bank" or whatever Bank you are Robbing. This will begin to start the robbery and the cashier to start handing you over cash.
- While robbing a Bank the Police may arrive and send in an negotiator. Robbers have a choice of either talking to them in the hopes of getting something without bloodshed or you can send them away. If the negotiations end it is very likely that Police Officers will attempt to prevent you from gaining more money.
- You will have to stay within a close proximity to the sign otherwise it will be cancelled and put on a cooldown.
- Once you have succesfully robbed a Bank you will gain roughly £950,000, you can cancel the robbery at any time and gain a lesser amount of money.
Bank Perks
For the cost of £100,000 a civilian can Change Banks to gain different perks and accses to Prepaid Cards these Benefits and Negatives are shown below.