GTA:Group Management

Revision as of 23:33, 30 December 2020 by Norman (talk | contribs) (added redirect to hide)

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Permission Type Description
All Group Functionality
Admin Administrative Access to edit group levels, permissions and disband
Invite Administrative Ability to Invite players to the group
Kick Administrative Ability to Kick out players from the group
Promote Administrative Ability to promote players up group ranking order
Demote Administrative Ability to demote players down group ranking order
Turf Gang Only Functionality
Safe Gang Access Access to the turf gang's item storage
Clothing Gang Access Access to the turf gang's coloured clothing
Weapon Bench Gang Access Access to the turf gang's weapon bench
Phone Gang Access Access to the turf gang's burner phone
Money Wash Gang Access Access to the turf gang's money wash
Drug Processing Gang Access Access to the turf gang's drug processing and manufacturing

How Group Ranks Work

Default Ranks

So when you've made your new group it will start with the x4 'core' ranks which you can rename as you wish

  1. Gang Leader
  2. Gang Vice
  3. Gang Senior
  4. Gang Member

Adding trial or junior ranks

New gang members will always take the highest numbered rank (Level 4 'Gang Member' by default)

You can add additional' ranks e.g 'Gang Trial (which would become Level 5 and new members would start as this)

Creating more 'Senior' Ranks

From the default 4 rank structure, if you wish to add a new higher rank e.g 'Gang Assistant Vice' for example you would need to

  • Rename 'Gang Senior' (Level 3) to 'Gang Assistant Vice'
  • Rename 'Gang Member' (Level 4) to 'Gang Senior'
  • Add a new rank (Level 5) which you would name your old Level 4's name e.g 'Gang Member'
  • Adjust the permissions on each of these Levels accordingly
  • Adjust who has these ranks accordingly


When you 'promote' a member, it moves them one rank closer to 1 e.g from Member (4) to Senior (3)


When you 'demote' a member, it moves them one rank further from 1 e.g from Vice (2) to Senior (3)