GTA:Commercial Delivery Driver

Revision as of 18:08, 23 February 2021 by George Harris (talk | contribs) (SPAG)

All Delivery Jobs can be located at the Delivery Hub.

Car Delivery Jobs

When ordering a car from a player ran dealership there's a delivery process that needs to take place. This can be carried out by anyone, however often the dealer does this themselves.

  1. Ensure you have a Commercial Delivery License
    • If not: go to the front desk of City Hall and purchase the license for £10,000
  2. Find yourself a lorry (Articulated vehicle) which you can attach a trailer to. You can purchase one of these or 'borrow' one from a local near the docks or industrial area near the south of the city
  3. Drive to the Delivery Hub in the bottom right near docks, select the menu in the corner and go into Job Selection.
  4. At the top you can click a small button to view all pending jobs. From the list of jobs, check the ID and details match up, for example "1832 | Paleto Bay", you would then enter this ID at the bottom and click Accept Job.
  5. Now drive to the docks which should automatically mark purple on the map, you will then have to reverse the truck onto the spot to pick up the trailer of cars (your car of choice won’t be on the trailer it’s just a model)
  6. Drive the trailer all the way to the dealership of choice, for most you'll need to go round to the back and you should see a purple circle, drive into the circle and press E to deliver
  7. You will then need to wait for an employee of the dealership to accept your delivery and put the car into Stock

Fuel Delivery

  1. Ensure you have a Commercial Delivery License
  2. Find yourself a lorry which you can attach a trailer to, or rent one next to the Fuel Delivery board.
  3. Start the job by going up to the whiteboard and clicking E - then start.
  4. Once you have done this a fuel trailer will appear
  5. Get in your truck and attach the trailer by reversing into it slowly
  6. You will then get a waypoint and a timer that that will indicate the time you will need to finish the trip in and a damage counter
  7. Follow the waypoint to the fuel station, once you get there press E to deliver the fuel
  8. Return the trailer back to the delivery hub and press E in the circle that appears in front of you. The trailer will disappear

If you decide you do not want to do the mission you were given then you can go back to the board and click on cancel mission, this will remove the trailer