GTA:Wider Community

Revision as of 17:06, 8 October 2021 by George Harris (talk | contribs) (Removed Arma as being active, updated development team)

Community Communication

Have more questions about the server? Want to make a suggestion? Report a bug? File a compensation request? Share a funny moment?

Sign up for our forums @

We are sponsored by TeamSpeak and a proud Discord Partner!

Our TeamSpeak is on its own dedicated box and kept online 24/7 - Everyone is welcome even if you are playing other games and not currently online roleplaying.

Our Discord houses thousands of players who support each other and is great place to meet the wider community!

Join our Discord @

Connect to our Teamspeak @

Community Development & Credits

Many thanks to our amazing volunteer developers who give up many hours of their time each week to ensure we have such a thriving GTA RP server. The project would not be possible without them.

We are always looking for new developers on GTA. If you wish to apply please do visit

RoleplayUK GTA Development Team
Developer Name Primary Speciality
Recon Nine GTA RP Development Lead
TinyBigJacko Management Team & Feature Development
Ciaran Management Team & Systems Development
Archie Feature Development
Mathias Feature Development
Dan Barretto Feature Development
Mike Polo Feature and Graphical Asset Development
Paint Feature & UI Development
Santo 3D Model & Asset Development
George Harris 3D Model & Asset Development
Antollyme Graphical Assets & Vehicle Handling
Tadworth Graphical Assets & UI Development