Police Recruitment Team

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The Police Recruitment team is lead by TBA, assisted by Dexterand Erik. The Recruitment Team is responsible for all new entries into the Police Force. This can come in two ways, either people joining the Police for the first time through a Police Application Form or ex-officers wishing to rejoin after leaving previously.

Template:Police Special Unit Info

The Tasks

The Recruitment Team is a group of officers whose job is to manage the initial stage of every citizen wishing to (re)join the Altis Police Service. They are tasked with recruiting new members, vetting applications submitted by the civilians of Altis and making sure that they meet the standards required by the Force as well as handling re-join requests submitted by ex-officers.

The Recruitment Team also aims to take initiative and conduct outreach programmes in order to maintain appropriate staffing levels as set forth by Police Command, and to ensure candidates are vetted and of the required standard before entering into the Police Academy for training.

Returning Officers Protocol

Old Rank Rank Left At Time Since Leaving Returning Rank
Blacklisted ≤ PC (SPC) Any FTC Required
Blacklisted ≥ SGT (SGT) Any PCSO 1 2D - FTT
CSO PCSO 1 Any FTC Required
PCSO PCSO 2 < 2 Months PCSO 1 - FTT Straight Away
PC PPC < 2 Months PCSO 2 5D - FA
SPC PC < 2 Months PCSO 2 - FA Straight Away
SGT SGT < 2 Months PCSO 2 - FA Straight Away
DSGT INS < 2 Months Refresher [PPC]
INS CI < 3 Months Refresher [PC]
DI SI < 4 Months Refresher [PC]
CI CSI < 4 Months Refresher [SGT]
SI ACC < 5 Months Refresher [SGT]
DCC < 5 Months Refresher [SGT]
CSI CC < 5 Months Refresher [SGT]

If an officer is beyond the duration shown above, use the following table:

Old Rank Rank Left At Returning Rank
≤ PC ≤ PPC FTC Required
SGT SGT PCSO 1 - FTT Straight Away
DSGT INS PCSO 1 - FTT Straight Away
CI CSI PCSO 2 - FA Straight Away
SI ACC FA Straight Away [PC]
DCC FA Straight Away [PC]
CSI CC FA Straight Away [PC]