GTA:LS City Hall

Revision as of 13:21, 15 July 2020 by Norman (talk | contribs) (Need to add photos)

The Los Santos City Hall is the centre of government for San Andreas.

Located in Alta, Vinewood, the building houses the offices for many government bodies and agencies including the City Council. Also held within the building is the Los Santos Supreme Court and the San Andreas legal system, the hall acts as the headquarters for many civilian-ran legal firms.

The City Hall is also the place to buy your Licenses, as detailed below.

City Council

The city council is comprised of business owners, office holders, group leaders and some independently elected officials. The council provides a wide variety of services to the city.

When the Council is refered to, this is a shortered version and the actual jurisdiction expands to the whole of Los Santos and the wider area of San Andreas Island. Extended version being Los Santos & San Andreas - City Council and Business Board.

The council is fully within roleplay, with minimal out of character interactions, there for they will only deal with in-game problems, solutions and ideas/proposals. Council members can not vote in absence and must attend in order to cast a vote on proposed points and agenda points.


The primary function of the council is to vote on decisions which affect the city (and surrounding areas). These decisions include but are not limited to the list below,

  • New business and group proposals (case & group depending)
  • Introduction and changes of regulations as raised by councillors
  • Current city problems and solutions as raised by councillors
  • Funding and resource management
  • Other orders of business as raised by councillors


  1. Ordinary Meetings - At fixed dates/intervals the council will meet to vote and discuss the points proposed by council members.
  2. Emergency Meetings - Held at short notice to discuss city "critical" changes or issues. Must be approved by the chairperson or 50% of council members.


The current chairperson is Ms. Harley Rose, an experienced business woman


In order to purchase vehicles, do certain 'runs', have certain jobs you need licences. There is the variety of different licensing agreements across Los Santos that allow you to stay legal while also help you with earning money. However, illegal runs still require you to purchase a licences in order to use the equipment and process your items. Different licences are purchased at different locations.

Standard Licenses

License Price Description
Drivers Licence £1,250 Permits you to operate one or more types of vehicle (Car / Motorbike)
Aircraft Licence £25,000 Permits you to operate light aircraft
Boating Licence £7,500 Permits you to operate a light water vessel
Fireams Licence £10,000 Permits the licence holder to operate a firearm within authorised sporting activities (Example: Hunting within the area of Mount Chiliad, and firing ranges)
Blood Delivery Licence £10,000 A licence awarded by the NHS and city hall to provide critical care services to the NHS and support services.

Job Licenses

License Price Description
Taxi License £5,000 An operating licence awarded by the city hall for a fee to work and operate as a Taxi Driver within Los Santos.
Mechanic/Impound Licence £10,000 An operating licence awarded by the city hall for a fee to work and operate as a mechanic within Los Santos.
Commercial Drivers Licence £25,000 An operating licence awarded by the city hall for a fee to work and operate as a commercial delivery driver within Los Santos.