GTA:LS City Council
The council provides a wide variety of governance services to the city and server. The council is fully within roleplay, with minimal out of character interactions, therefore they will only deal with in-game problems, solutions and ideas/proposals. Council members can not vote in absence and must attend in order to cast a vote on proposed points and agenda points.
When the Council is refered to, this is a shortened version and the actual jurisdiction expands to the whole of Los Santos and the wider area of San Andreas Island. Extended version being Los Santos & San Andreas - City Council and Business Board.
The primary function of the council is to vote on decisions which affect the city (and surrounding areas). These decisions include but are not limited to the list below.
- New business and group proposals from citizens
- Introduction and changes of regulations as raised by councillors
- Current city problems and solutions as raised by councillors
- Funding and resource management (properties)
- Other orders of business as raised by councillors
- Ordinary Meetings - At fixed dates/intervals the council will meet to vote and discuss the points proposed by council members.
- Emergency Meetings - Held at short notice to discuss city "critical" changes or issues. Must be approved by the chairperson or 50% of council members.
The city council is comprised of a wide range of members with lots of skills and experiences. All members have equal say and votes are cast regularly on important topics.
The council has a Chairperson who steers the running order of the meetings and acts as a point of contact for members of the public. The current elected chairperson is Mr Norman Jones who can be contacted on #489-4703
Other than the chair, the council consists of:
- Government Officials (Developers)
- Business Owners (Stores, Restaurants & Dealerships)
- Legal Whitelisted Job Leaders (Police, NHS, NCA, Gruppe6)
- Independently Elected Officials.
Vetting and Criminal Activity
The council have a policy that those who chose to engage in criminal activity activity are unfit to uphold their seat within the city council. As such the following rules apply to all council members.
- Prospective council members will be subject to a comprehensive background check by the Los Santos Police and National Crime Agency (NCA).
- Citizens that have no 'serious'[1] criminal convictions within the last 2 months (backdated from the date of that months council meeting), will be unable to hold a seat that meeting. These prospective members will still be able to reapply and gain a seat in future, subject to them meeting this requirement.
- Existing council members are appointed on the understanding that they are subject to PNC spot checks by LSPS or NCA before each meeting.
- Members that are found to have criminal convictions will, on a case-by-case basis, have their seat withdrawn until 2 months from the date of their last 'serious'[1] conviction when they are re-eligible to serve.
[1] For clarification, a 'serious' conviction is ordinarily one which is deemed an indictable offence, or an offence which warrants imprisonment. However please note these will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis or if contentious by the vote of the Chief Superintendent, NCA Director General and Council Chairperson.